
SHELF LIFE: Every year, more than 20 million shorebirds fly south for the winter from places as far away as Arctic Canada and…

SHELF LIFE:Every year, more than 20 million shorebirds fly south for the winter from places as far away as Arctic Canada and Siberia. Many spend the winter in Ireland while others simply break their migratory journey to rest and refuel. A new book, Shorebirds of Irelandby wildlife writer Jim Wilson and photographer Mark Carmody introduces these birds that live between the tides in Ireland, on mudflats and shingle, in estuaries and beaches, bays and rocky shores.

Wildflowers of Cork City and Countyby self-taught botanist, Tony O'Mahony also hits the shelves this month. This book will be of interest to walkers keen to improve their knowledge of the 1,200 plant species to be found in Ireland's largest county. Both books are published by Collins Press.


The healing powers associated with sacred wells is part of Ireland’s mythology and natural history. Locating and mapping the sites of holy wells in Ireland has been the mission of a voluntary organisation, Sláine, for the past five or six years. Run by a small group of enthusiasts the organisation needs some new members. If you are interested in finding out where the holy wells are in your area or if you would be good at organising a national committee to promote such work, contact Stephen Sage on tel. 028-37931.


Meanwhile, have a look at the holy wells already recorded on www.slaine.ie


Spirituality and the Environment is just one of many fascinating topics at this year’s Céifin Conference on November 3rd and 4th in Ennis, Co Clare, at which the theme is “Who’s in Charge – Towards a Leadership of Service”. Fr Harry Bohan (right), chairman of the Ceifin Centre, says: “The question of leadership is one of the most critical issues facing us as a society now. There is a need to move from a command/control type of leadership to a more participative, visionary and accountable model – one that is underpinned by values of honesty, integrity, truth and accountability.”

At the conference, economists, educationalists and businesspeople will discuss how society needs to change to achieve such worthy aims. See ceifin.com.



Check out the Chambers of Commerce site for new guide to energy efficiency in offices. Tips include appointing an energy champion, monitoring usage and implementing improvements.

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment