Heart surgery tool wins top design award

THE DESIGNER of a medical device for use on heart patients won the grand prix in the Irish design awards last night.

THE DESIGNER of a medical device for use on heart patients won the grand prix in the Irish design awards last night.

Martin Bruggemann of Dolmen received the top award at the 12th Institute of Designers in Ireland Awards for his work on the AstraPlug for company Vasorum.

The system delivers a stainless steel implant into a major artery in a minimally invasive procedure in patients undergoing cardiac and other procedures.

Designers for the Office of Public Works, RTÉ, the Abbey Theatre and Lady GaGa were among the category winners.


Mark Leslie of Martello Media designed the Irish pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo for the OPW and was the winner in the exhibition category.

The website of the Abbey Theatre received best website design. The site was created by Jamie Neely of Front.

The graphics for the RTÉ series Does God Hate Mereceived the TV and film title design award.

The top prize in the fashion category went to leather designer Una Burke who has designed pieces for singer Lady GaGa.

A gaming mouse by Logitech received the design award for consumer products. The award was given to Diarmuid MacMahon and Cormac Ó Conaire of Design Partners.

Irish Timesfashion editor Deirdre McQuillan was given a lifetime achievement award for her contribution to the Irish design profession. McQuillan had made an "enormous contribution" in sharing the success stories of Irish companies, said Derek McGarry, institute president.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times