Strike by paramedics working in Midlands deferred

94% of union members voted for industrial action in row over rosters

A planned strike by paramedics in the Midlands on Tuesday has been deferred.

Nintety-four percent of National Ambulance Service Representative Association members in Laois, Offaly, Westmeath and Longford have voted in favour of strike action in a row over rosters.

However, its parent body, the Psychiatric Nurses Association, says it has invited the HSE and National Ambulance Service to engage with its representatives on an agreement of emergency cover during industrial action.

Members are then due to proceed with a one day strike on Tuesday, May 3rd.


General Secretary of the PNA is Des Kavanagh told Midlands 103 that the PNA is aware of the needs of the community.

“We are conscious of the need for emergency cover during the period of a strike. We will address the needs of the community in the event of an emergency during the period of a strike.”