Pace yourself for better performance

Fitness expert Mary Jennings says faster running does not always lead to faster times

Running coach Mary Jennings. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Its quite simple: if you are out of breath, you are going too fast. Pace yourself. That's the advice to anyone who begins running, from fitness expert Mary Jennings.

“People think because they are running they need to be out of breath, or they need to look like they are running.”

She points out that the run won’t go any faster, if you run faster, “quite the opposite in fact.”

Jennings who will be giving a talk in Athlone next Tuesday as part of the Irish Times/Pfizer Healthy Town project, assures runners that it gets easier as you go on and you will begin to feel more comfortable. "Don't be worried about what anyone else thinks of your speed. Try not to compare yourself with any other runner."


Jennings who also devises running programmes for the Irish Times warns about the danger of making excuses not to exercise or go for a run. She suggests that you arrange for someone else to “kick you out when you start making excuses”.

She says it is very easy to convince yourself you can skip a run. “But the feeling of being annoyed with yourself for not going is not worth it, And you are then far more likely to make an excuse the next time too.”

But what if you have been running for a while and need to get motivated again?

Jennings suggests you change your route. “It is amazing how something so easy can give you a whole new perspective. Try also running on different surfaces - grass, sand, trail can all make a pleasant change from a footpath.”

She also recommends getting a running buddy, which she says can be a great motivator. “Firstly, if you have arranged to meet someone, you are more likely to go and not procrastinate. Secondly, once you are out running you will encourage each other on, the time will fly by and you will have less time to focus on those negative voices in your own head.”

Jennings will be giving a talk on taking up exercise and running on Tuesday, September 8th, at 7 pm in the Sheraton Hotel. The talk is free but you are advised to register. Email:

There are also a number of free videos aimed at people who would like to take up running or are at different stages of running:

Beginners: Click here

30 mins to 10k: Click here

Stay Running: Click here

Alternatively, you can contact Mary Jennings at