Opposition to RTÉ nomination of outgoing Meas CEO

Physicians call on Minister to oppose nomination of alcohol-body-linked CEO

Fionnuala Sheehan, chief executive of Meas. Photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland has called on Minister for Communications Alex White to reject the nomination of the outgoing chief executive of Mature Enjoyment of Alcohol in Society (Meas) to the board of RTÉ.

Fionnuala Sheehan is one of four people nominated last week by the Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications to join the broadcaster's board.

"It places somebody who has been a public advocate for the alcohol industry in a position of influence within the State broadcaster," said college president-designate Prof Frank Murray.

He also said Meas had been vocal in criticising the Government’s strategy, and in arguing for prioritising of education. This was despite “all the evidence” supporting action on price and availability over education.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.