Harney vows real change for elderly

An additional €255 million allocated to improve care services for the elderly in yesterday's Budget will provide "real and tangible…

An additional €255 million allocated to improve care services for the elderly in yesterday's Budget will provide "real and tangible improvements in people's lives," Minister for Health Mary Harney claimed today.

The funding will finance 2,000 extra home care packages, 780,000 extra hours of home help, 1,100 more day care places and 800 extra residential care beds.

The €255 million amounts to 65 per cent of the total additional funding for health in the Budget and, according to Ms Harney, reflects the "high priority" the Government places on improving care services for the elderly.

"I am committed to ensuring that older people receive as much care as possible in their homes; that high standards are set and enforced in all residential care settings; and that the cost of residential care is always affordable and never an anxiety," she said.


Ms Harney said: "Home care packages are tailored to each person's individual needs and are a key part of supporting people with moderate dependency needs in the community".

The additional €395 million allocated to health in this year's Budget brings the total annual spend on healthcare close to €15 billion.

It also provides an additional €75 million for extra residential places, respite care and day services for people with disabilities. Ms Harney said: "The Government is again making good on its commitment to our multi-annual programme of investment in services for people with disabilities.

An additional €2.5 million will fund two additional sexual-assault treatment units to be developed in Galway and the Midland area of the Health Service Executive.

A total of €4.5 million has also been earmarked to improve services to the victims of sexual and/or domestic violence.

Ms Harney also announced that €8 million was being provided to support improved services under the National Drugs Strategy, for people suffering from HIV/Aids and for Travellers.

Ms Harney said a further €20 million would go towards developing up to 100 new multidisciplinary primary care teams to bring the total number of such teams to 200.

"It shows that the Government is meeting its commitment in Towards 2016 to establish 300 primary care teams by 2008, 400 by 2009, and 500 by 2011," she said.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times