Gardaí seize drugs worth €10,000

More than €10,000 worth of drugs have been seized as part of Garda investigations into the death of a Cork teenager this week…

More than €10,000 worth of drugs have been seized as part of Garda investigations into the death of a Cork teenager this week.

Gardaí in Fermoy have been inundated with calls from the public which have led to a number of drug seizures in the area.

Investigations are continuing into the death of Pádraig O'Keeffe (19), whose body was found at Moulane near his home on the road between Rathcormac and Glenville at 5.50am on Monday. It is suspected he died of a drugs overdose and gardaí are awaiting the results of a toxicology report.

Three files are being prepared for the DPP after drug seizures in the Rathcormac/Fermoy area on Thursday. Four files are also being prepared in relation to the discovery of €2,000 worth of cocaine and cannabis during searches of six houses in Rathcormac village on Tuesday.


Two men were arrested after cocaine and cannabis worth €3,000 were found at a home on Thursday, and about €4,000 in a second house. A third man was later arrested after gardaí searched his home and found ecstasy. Two raids were carried out in Fermoy yesterday, and a small amount of cannabis seized.

Michelle McDonagh

Michelle McDonagh

Michelle McDonagh, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health and family