EU aid to find jobs for SR Technics workers

THE EUROPEAN Commission has agreed to release €7

THE EUROPEAN Commission has agreed to release €7.4 million to provide new employment for 850 of the 1,135 workers who lost their jobs last year at aircraft maintenance firm SR Technics.

The contribution, from a dedicated EU fund which helps people who lose their jobs due to globalisation, is subject to the approval of MEPs and EU member states. On top of the commission’s contribution, the Government is providing an additional €4.1 million. The funding can be used to pay for career guidance services, third level education, on the job training and to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment.

The funding follows agreement last year on a €21 million package to help retrain up to 1,900 former workers at Dell and a €2.57 million EU contribution to 598 workers who lost their jobs at Waterford Crystal. EU employment commissioner Laszlo Andor attributed the closure of SR Technics at Dublin airport to pressure on the aircraft maintenance sector due to the

“The fall in air transport activity following the financial and economic crisis has placed enormous cost strain on airlines and subsequently reduced the volume of maintenance, repair and overhaul activities worldwide,” he said.


“We are confident that the planned measures will help these workers to upgrade their skills and facilitate their transition to a new job and a better future.” While the Government’s application for the funding related to all 1,135 redundancies from the company, Mr Andor said the funding would be provided to help “850 of the most disadvantaged workers”.

Labour MEP Proinsias De Rossa said the money was badly needed for the workers, their families and the wider community. “The Government must immediately begin to put in place the structures that will allow the workers benefit from this once-off aid as soon as final approval is given,” he said.

The EU Globalisation Adjustment Fund has provided €373.6 million to over 70,000 workers in over a dozen EU member states.

Arthur Beesley

Arthur Beesley

Arthur Beesley is Current Affairs Editor of The Irish Times