Reader callout: What are you willing to do to help combat climate change?

Let us know how you think ordinary people can or should contribute

There has been a 1.1 degree rise in global average temperature since the pre-industrial era with inevitable consequences for the polar ice caps, sea levels and weather patterns. Photograph: iStock

As the scale of the challenge involved in addressing the climate crisis is highlighted by the targets set out in the Government’s action plan, there is much talk of the part technological innovation will play in helping to achieve the necessary cuts to emissions in sectors like agriculture and industry.

Experts have repeatedly pointed to the need for a change in attitude on the part of individuals too, however, and a shift in the way we all go about our daily lives. Tell us what you are willing to do to play your part in saving the planet? And what needs to be done to help ordinary people make a difference?

We may publish a selection of your responses online. If you are reading this on the Irish Times app, click here to access the form for submissions.