Concerns raised about building plans near St Anne’s Park

Almost 400 houses and apartments proposed for lands adjoining park in Raheny

People taking part in International Yoga Day at St Anne’s Park, Dublin, in summer this year. Photograph: Eric Luke

Concerns have been raised about plans to build almost 400 houses and apartments on lands adjoining St Anne’s Park in Raheny, north Dublin.

Developer Greg Kavanagh's New Generation Homes wants to build 111 houses and 274 apartments on 15 acres bought earlier this year from the Vincentian Order. Plans for the lands, which are part of the playing fields of St Paul's College secondary school, are to be submitted to Dublin City Council in the next two weeks.

Local residents and councillors have raised concerns about the development, particularly its proximity to the park, which is immediately adjacent to the playing fields.

“I don’t support any development within the curtilage of St Anne’s Park,” Fine Gael councillor Naoise Ó Muirí said.


Independent councillor Damian O’Farrell said he was concerned about the size, scale, density and location of the development. “We do need homes, but this is a very aggressive development, particularly for this sensitive location.”

Fianna Fáil councillor Deirdre Heney said she wanted details of how the park land came into the ownership of the religious order.

“I want to know the conditions of the land transfer from what would have been Dublin Corporation to the [Vincentian] order. ”

In a statement, New Generation Homes said: “No houses are being proposed in St Anne’s Park and the application is in respect of St Paul’s College land only.”

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times