I’ve no idea what course to choose. What can I do?

Making important life decisions is never easy - but there are tools to help

There are ways of helping to take the guesswork out of choosing the course that’s right for you. Photograph: iStock

I'm stressed out. I'm due to sit the Leaving Cert in June and have researched a wide range of course and career options – but can't make up my mind. I know I have until July 1st to finalise my college choices, but I worry that I'll still have no idea. Can you help?

Yours is the classic dilemma facing every person who has to make a decision on any important choice in life. How do we, as human beings, come to a decision on such matters? In our personal lives, the answer seems straightforward: we are hugely influenced by our gut instinct.

When it comes to our working lives there is a similar dynamic at play. Our gut feelings can play a big role. However, there are ways of helping to take the guesswork out of choosing the course that’s right for you.

CareersPortal.ie has a very good "interest inventory" which you can access at no cost. You will be asked to select your preference as between 56 choices of two different contrasting activities. Your choices will generate a profile of your occupational interests. You might be strongly realist/mechanical, naturalistic/outdoor, social, investigative/scientific, entrepreneurial, creative/artistic, administrative or linguistic.


The programme will allow you to match your top-three sectoral choices against a database of occupations at all levels of education and against all courses on offer through the CAO or further education. The outcome of the exercise is likely to point you in the right direction in terms of where your interests currently lie.

Taking this test, or others offered through guidance counsellors in schools such as "MyUniChoices", will also help to identify significant changes in occupational preferences.

The most effective way to select your college course choices is to listen to what your gut may be telling you

You can research all of your course options, both at CAO and further education levels, through the Qualifax.ie website. If high points are a barrier, be sure to explore options taught through English outside Ireland in European universities through Eunicas.ie.

So, now you know what’s on offer – but how do you apply it to yourself?

Beyond any test, the most effective way to select your college course choices is to listen to what your gut may be telling you. Try moving beyond the information on course content to the more personal aspects of the choices on offer. Visit the colleges you are considering and explore what opportunities student extra-curricular life offer. Will a particular choice involve commuting or securing accommodation – and if so, at what cost? Try to talk to students on any programme you are considering.

Don’t fret. When your last Leaving Cert paper is behind you, use that last week in June to pull all elements of your research together and follow your gut. It almost never lies.