Woman sues after breaking arm in fall at Copper Face Jacks nightclub

Plaintiff denies reckless ‘dirty dancing’ with work colleague

Ciara O’Connell from Glenview Park, Tallaght, Dublin, leaving the Four Courts yesterdayThurs) after the opening day of her High Court action for damages.Pic . Photograph: Collins/Courts

A woman who fractured her arm and was out of work for three months after a fall while dancing in a Dublin nightclub has sued for damages.

Ciara O’Connell was dancing with a group of work colleagues at Copper Face Jacks nightclub at Harcourt Street to a song by Shakira when she suffered the injury, the court heard.

She told the court that a colleague, Noel Humphries, had fallen on top of her and she fell, suffering an injury to her arm.

When it was suggested in cross-examination Ms O’Connell was dancing backwards with Mr Humphries in a “dirty dancing” style, she said she was “just dancing” and having a good time and no one had suggested they were dancing in a reckless manner.


Ms O’Connell (33), a sales representative, Glenview Park, Tallaght, Dublin told the court yesterday she had to have two operations following the fall and has been left with scarring.

She has sued Breanagh Catering Ltd, trading as Copper Face Jacks, as a result of the incident on August 4th, 2006. She claims Mr Humphries had slipped on the floor and then fell on to her causing her to fall to the ground.

The defendant denies the claims, denies the floor was wet and alleges Ms O’Connell was engaged in dangerous and reckless dancing with Mr Humphries.

The case before Mr Justice Seán Ryan continues.