Woman allegedly raped in south Dublin after Christmas party

Gardaí appeal for witnesses following alleged assault in a car in Dublin 4 at the weekend

The victim attended her workplace Christmas party in south Dublin on Saturday night into Sunday morning and took a taxi from the venue to go home. File photograph: Getty Images

Gardaí investigating the alleged rape of a woman in a car in south Dublin after her office Christmas party last weekend have issued an appeal for witnesses to come forward.

The woman was attacked in a car early on Sunday morning at a location in Dublin 4.

Gardaí investigating the attack also believe the woman was in the Mountjoy Square area of the city after the attack and have appealed for information on her movements in Dublin 1.

The attack occurred in an area covering Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Merrion Road and Serpentine Avenue during a 90 minute period to about 2.14am.


“The injured party describes the male suspect as being in his late 20s or early 30s, with a short beard, glasses, short dark hair and a short-sleeved shirt,” gardaí said in a public appeal in relation to the alleged incident.

“The injured party was wearing a long black dress and the incident occurred in a car.”

Gardaí believe the woman was in the Mountjoy Square area between 2.14am and 3.44am.

The victim attended her workplace Christmas party in south Dublin on Saturday night into Sunday morning and took a taxi from the venue to go home.

However, she felt unwell during the taxi journey and asked the driver to stop so she could get out. It was then agreed between the taxi driver and the woman that she would not resume her journey in the vehicle.

The taxi driver then drove off. There is no suggestion that he is a suspect or in any way mistreated the woman.

After a short period the woman then got into another car to resume her journey home.

It was in that vehicle that she was allegedly raped at a location in Dublin 4. Gardaí are not yet certain if the second car was a taxi or a private vehicle the victim may have mistaken for a taxi.

Precise movements

While gardaí are seeking information on a 1½-hour period in relation to a number of streets in Dublin 4 and a further 1½-hour period relating to the Dublin 1 area, it is not believed the attack lasted for long or that the woman was held hostage for a period.

Instead, the woman’s precise movements in the two general areas are unaccounted for over a period of hours. Gardaí are keen to gather as many confirmed sightings of her as possible, and likewise as many possible sightings of the suspect.

It is not clear how the victim got from Dublin 4 to Dublin 1 or precisely what time she departed from south Dublin and arrived on the other side of the city.

Investigating gardaí are keen for anyone in the Dublin 4 area or Mountjoy Square area at the relevant times in the early hours of Sunday to contact them at Irishtown Garda station.

They are appealing for any who saw the woman, noticed anything suspicious in the areas of interest or who may have dashcam footage from the relevant locations at relevant times to come forward.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times