The daughter of a man who died after being stabbed at his home in Crumlin, Dublin, on Sunday night has said he had “a heart of gold”.
Gerard Fortune (63), who worked in St James’s Hospital, was stabbed at his home in Rutland Grove. It is understood the suspect, who was known to Mr Fortune, then fled the scene in a car.
The victim was taken to St James’s Hospital by ambulance shortly after 8pm where he was pronounced dead a short time later.

A man in his 30s was arrested on the night and is being questioned at Crumlin Garda station. He can be held for up to 24 hours.
Mr Fortune’s daughter, Leona Lambe, said her father would “give you the clothes off his back”.
“You couldn’t meet a nicer man, no one would have a bad word to say about about him. He couldn’t do enough for anyone,” she said on Monday. “He was just an amazing person and he didn’t deserve this. He was a healthy man and he would have outlived us all.”
Investigating gardaí have appealed for information, in particular regarding the movements of a red Toyota Yaris.
“We are appealing to anyone who was in the Rutland Grove/Clogher Road area of Dublin 12 between 8pm and 8.15pm on Sunday the August 19th, 2018, to come forward. We are also trying to trace the movements of a red Toyota Yaris, described as a four-door hatchback with L plates, and partial registration 04-WW, that was driven from the scene at Rutland Grove at about 8pm before it was recovered at approximately 8.20pm at Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown,” said Supt Michael Cryan.
“We would also appeal to anyone with dashcam footage from the Rutland Grove or Connolly hospital areas in and around the specified times to make it available to investigators,” he added.
Neighbours from Rutland Grove described Mr Fortune as “a lovely man”. “It’s very sad, everyone is shocked. He was very friendly . . . It’s a very tight knit community, very quiet,” said one elderly resident.
A close neighbour of Mr Fortune said he used regularly bring her for appointments to hospital. “He was just lovely, I’ve been living beside him about 30 years, I can’t believe it,” she said.
Local Fine Gael Cllr Anne Feeney said she was shocked to hear of the incident. “My sympathies and heart goes out to the family of the man who died,” said Cllr Feeney.
The scene at the house was preserved for technical and forensic examination. An incident room has been established at Sundrive Road Garda station and gardaí have asked anyone with information to contact Sundrive Road station (01-666600) or the Garda Confidential Line (1800-666111).