Reclusive man last seen five to six weeks before his death – inquest

Adrian Wainer found dead in his Dublin home after neighbour became concerned

Coroner Dr Myra Cullinane returned a verdict of death due to natural causes. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

A reclusive man who left his home less and less as time progressed was found dead after a neighbour raised the alarm.

Adrian Wainer (59) was last seen alive five to six weeks before he was found dead in his Dublin home.

The man, described as “a very clever guy”, lived alone at Ashlawn, Ballinteer, Dublin 14.

His brother, Anthony Wainer, said the man had fallen out with his family.


“He was a very clever guy, unfortunately not meant for living in this world,” Anthony Wainer told Dublin Coroner’s Court.

Adrian Wainer had inherited the family home and lived alone there following the death of his mother.

Neighbour Howard Farrell grew concerned when he had not seen Mr Wainer for some weeks.

“He was on his own there for many years. I only saw him occasionally and less and less in the last few years,” Mr Howard said.

“Other neighbours heard some bad coughing fits and then these stopped altogether,” Mr Howard said.

He contacted Dundrum Garda Station on September 18th, 2018.

Garda Jason McDonnell attended the scene.

“At the scene I met Howard Farrell, who had not seen the occupant in six weeks. The last time he had seen him was from a distance: Mr Wainer was standing at an upstairs window. The front lawn had become overgrown, and this was unlike Mr Wainer, according to Mr Howard,” Garda McDonnell said.

The Garda gained entry to the property and located the decomposed remains of Mr Wainer in an upstairs bedroom. Dr James Moloney pronounced death at 2pm on September 18th, 2018.

A DNA test was required for formal identification.

Anthony Wainer said he last saw his brother in August 2016.

“He had fallen out with us as a family. I didn’t see him for quite a while before he passed away.”

He said his brother’s health was deteriorating generally over a period of time.

A post-mortem report found no evidence of injury, alcohol or drugs.

The cause of death was unascertained due to the advanced state of decomposition.

Coroner Dr Myra Cullinane returned a verdict of death due to natural causes.

“He may have been neglecting himself somewhat, he was quite thin, and he may have had pneumonia, if coughing was heard before his death,” the coroner said.

“The findings are consistent with death having occurred five to six weeks before he was found.”

“We see many families where there isn’t a close connection, but it’s always a loss,” the coroner said.