Molly Malone statue defaced week after unveiling

Statue in Dublin in new location at St Andrew’s Church tourist office

Minister for Tourism Paschal Donohoe unveiled the Molly Malone statue this afternoon, July 18th at her new home in front of the Saint Andrew’s Church tourist office, where she will wheel her barrow until 2017.

The statue of Molly Malone in Dublin has been defaced less than a week after its unveiling at a new location in front of the Saint Andrew's Church tourist office on Suffolk Street.

The statue was covered in graffiti today after it was cleaned and refurbished ahead of last Friday’s official unveiling.

Tourist office employee Jim Quinn said the statue must have been vandalised between 7 and 9.30 this morning. When he walked into the office at 7am "the statue was fine. Tourists were gathered around her waiting for the early tour buses."

The Molly Malone statue this morning. Photograph: Erin McGuire
The Molly Malone statue being cleaned by a member of Dublin City Council. Photograph: Eric Luke

Mr Quinn said a tourist came into the office at 9.30am to inform him of the defacing. “It’s unbelievable. I didn’t believe it until I went out and saw it myself,” he said.


Richard Guiney, CEO of the Dublin City Business Improvement District said: "It was only put up last week. Molly is the most photographed statue in Dublin. It's not a great message to be sending internationally." The organisation removes graffiti from private buildings.

Mr Guiney noted a surge in graffiti vandalism in the city. “We’re looking at about four times the rate it was about four years ago. Last year we spent over €100,000 removing graffiti. There are a lot of other good things you could do with that kind of money. It is a broader issue, but clearly what was done to Molly was mindless vandalism. It’s unacceptable, and it will be cleaned very quickly,” he said.

A spokesperson for Dublin City Council said they are aware of the vandalism incident, and the graffiti will be removed immediately.