Man who helped Kinahan cartel commit ‘assassination’ has jail term increased

Michael Barr was murdered at the Sunset House pub in Dublin’s north inner city

Martin Aylmer, of Casino Park, Marino, Dublin 3, at the Special Criminal Court in Dublin in July 2018. Photograph: Collins Courts

A man who helped the Kinahan crime group commit a “cold-blooded assassination” has been given an extra two years in jail after his original prison sentence was deemed too lenient.

Martin Aylmer (33), of Casino Park, Marino, Dublin 3, bought six pre-paid mobile phones in the run-up to the murder of Michael Barr (35) at the Sunset House pub in Dublin’s north inner city on April 25th, 2016.

The Special Criminal Court heard that one of the phones was found beside a burned-out car used as the getaway vehicle in Mr Barr’s murder. Aylmer was captured on CCTV footage buying the phone in Dublin’s Ilac Shopping Centre two days before the shooting. He told gardaí he believed the phones would be used for drug trafficking.

He pleaded guilty to participating in, or contributing to, activity intending to facilitate the commission of a serious offence by a criminal organisation or any of its members in what was believed to have been the first prosecution of its kind.


Sentencing him to three years and nine months imprisonment with the final year suspended, Mr Justice Tony Hunt said it could not be established that Aylmer knew he was contributing to a murder and there was no evidence on his part of moving firearms.

However, the presiding judge at the non-jury court said it must have been apparent to Aylmer that he was assisting in some serious criminal activity. Aylmer, who had two previous convictions for minor public order matters, told gardaí he believed the phones would be used for drug trafficking.

The Director of Public Prosecutions successfully sought a review of Aylmer’s sentence on grounds it was “unduly lenient”, and the Court of Appeal accordingly resentenced him to six years’ imprisonment with the final 15 months suspended on Tuesday.

Giving judgment, Ms Justice Úna Ní Raifeartaigh said full responsibility for the murder should not be laid at Aylmer’s door, but the fact he provided assistance to a gang that committed murder was relevant, and was an aggravating factor.

She said Aylmer was in a “different situation” from the one which would have pertained if he had furnished precisely the same assistance, and the organisation used his assistance to supply drugs.

Ms Justice Ní Raifeartaigh said the following factors were relevant in assessing culpability for this offence: The nature of the assistance given; the nature of the criminal organisation and the consequences of the assistance, which may include the commission of a crime which the accused did not “specifically foresee”.

She said the sentencing court erred in fixing the headline sentence at five years, before a reduction for Aylmer’s mitigating factors was applied.

The appropriate headline sentence was eight years, she said, having regard to the acts of Aylmer’s assistance and the fact those acts facilitated a murder. The court also considered the need for general deterrence.

She said the court would apply the same 25 per cent reduction for Aylmer’s guilty plea as the Special Criminal Court had done, and would suspend the final 15 months to take account of his personal circumstances and the “disappointment factor” of having a sentence increased.

Ms Justice Ní Raifeartaigh, who sat with President of the Court of Appeal Mr Justice George Birmingham and Mr Justice Patrick McCarthy, resentenced Aylmer to six years imprisonment with the final 15 months suspended.

Aylmer was required to enter into a good behaviour bond for the suspended period, and he undertook to be so bound.

Counsel for the DPP, Dominic McGinn SC, told the Court of Appeal Aylmer had assisted a criminal organisation that was in the business of carrying out “well-planned, cold-blooded assassinations”, and such activity was not “out of the ordinary” for them.

Mr McGinn said Aylmer not only supplied “vital tools” for the criminal organisation – by purchasing six prepaid mobile phones – but he delivered them to a lock-up which he visited the day before the murder.

There was no legitimate reason to buy so many prepaid phones, Mr McGinn said. Although Aylmer claimed to have thought he was assisting in drug trafficking, counsel said the lock-up was subsequently found to contain firearms and a bottle of bleach.

The fact that somebody was murdered, aggravated Aylmer’s contribution, he submitted, adding that there was an important correlation between contributing to the crime and the consequences of the crime.