Man charged with murder of mother of three Natalia Karaczyn

Woman's body found on the outskirts of Sligo town at Carns

Natalia Karaczyn had left home on Saturday night for an evening socialising with friends.

Gardaí investigating the murder of Natalia Karaczyn in Sligo have charged a man with the crime.

The suspect, a 32-year-old known to the victim, was set to appeared before Sligo District Court on Thursday morning.

The man was initially arrested on Monday as gardaí at that stage were still investigating the disappearance of the 30-year-old mother of three.

She had been missing from her home in Crozon Park, Sligo, since early Sunday morning, gardaí had said.


She had left home on Saturday night for an evening socialising with friends. But when her sister was unable to contact her on Sunday the gardaí were contacted.

After his arrest on Monday, the suspect was released without charge at about 5am on Tuesday.

But when Ms Karaczyn’s remains were found later on that morning the suspect was rearrested and has been in custody since.

The remains of the Polish woman were found on the outskirts of Sligo town at Holywell Road, Carns.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times