Man charged over murder in Waterford psychiatric hostpial

Paul Cuddihy charged with murder of Maria O’Brien (55)

A garda outside St Otteran’s Psychiatric Unit in Waterford where one woman was fatally stabbed and two others were injured. Photograph: Damien Tiernan via Twitter St Otteran’s Psychiatric Unit in Waterford.

A male psychiatric patient was charged tonight with the murder of a female patient in a Waterford psychiatric hospital

Paul Cuddihy (36) with an address at St Otteran's Psychiatric Hospital, John's Hill, Waterford, was charged at a special sitting of Waterford District Court, with the murder of mother of three Maria O'Brien (55).

Det Sgt Donal Donohue, of Waterford, said he formally arrested the defendant and charged him on Saturday, September 6th last. In reply to the charge he said "no comment", the court was told.

Barrister Tara Geoghegan, instructed by Hilary Delahunty, Solicitor, applied to have the defendant psychiatrically accessed. She also applied for legal aid and said the defendant had no means.


Judge Kevin Staunton granted legal aid and directed that the defendant receive medical and psychiatric attention and remanded him in custody to Tuesday next.

The victim had been a long term patient in the hospital for the past ten years. A post mortem examination was carried out on her body by Deputy State Pathologist Dr Curtis at Waterford University Hospital over the weekend.

Another female psychiatric patient who was also injured in the incident is being detained in Waterford University Hospital and her condition was stated to be comfortable. A female staff nurse who suffered slash injuries has been discharged.

The Health and Safety Authority has launched an independent investigation into the incident which occurred in a residential house occupied by female patients in the hospital grounds.

Members of the victim’s family attended the brief court hearing.