Gardaí warn drivers after couple are robbed by masked motorist in Co Clare

Couple in their 50s were robbed after being followed by a vehicle flashing its lights

A couple in their 50s were robbed in Co Clare after being followed by a car flashing its lights. File photograph: iStock

Gardaí have warned people travelling in an area of east Co Clare near the Limerick border to exercise extreme caution after a couple were robbed by a masked motorist who stopped them on the road near the Ardnacrusha Power Station.

“This happened in Ardnacrusha when a husband and wife in their late 50s were out driving last Saturday night at about 7.50pm. The lady was in the front passenger seat when her husband saw a car behind them flashing the lights; the husband pulled his car in near the power station in Ardnacrusha and stopped, thinking there was some emergency,” said Sgt Ber Leetch, of Henry Street Garda station, Limerick.

“A male dressed in dark clothing, wearing a face covering, approached the passenger door, opened it, reached in and took the lady’s handbag off her lap.”

The robber ran back to his car, reversed his vehicle and headed towards Meelick village.


Sgt Leetch appealed for witnesses in relation to the incident. She also advised people to always lock their car doors when driving “and never stop when confronted by this type of driving behaviour. Continue to a well lit up busy area where there is safety in numbers and [the area is] possibly covered with CCTV.”

In a separate statement, a Garda spokeswoman said “a number of personal belongings and cash were taken” in the robbery.

Similar incident

Clare Senator Timmy Dooley said he was aware of claims of a similar incident in the same area about an hour later in which a woman in her late teens or early 20s was followed by a vehicle flashing its lights.

“She kept going because she got nervous,” Mr Dooley said.

“We’re into dark winter nights and less cars on the road because of the Covid restrictions, it leaves particularly elderly people very vulnerable. These are narrow roads we’re talking about and it’s deeply worrying that someone would even think to engage in this kind of activity,” he said.