Gardaí issue ‘stay safe’ appeal to travelling Irish fans

Senior officer reveals that 11 supporters missing but located since tournament began

Gardaí have appealed to fans to be mindful of personal safety. Photograph: EPA

A senior Garda officer has appealed to Irish fans at Euro 2016 to take better care of their personal safety.

Garda Supt Gerry Delmar said 11 Irish fans have gone missing while in France for the Euro 2016 championship.

Supt Delmar arrived in France earlier this month to lead a team of eight gardaí at the tournament. Some of the officers are travelling with the fans while two senior gardaí will be stationed at the interior ministry in Lognes on the outskirts of Paris.

‘Keeping us busy’

“We’ve had 11 people reported missing to ourselves or the Department of Foreign Affairs since the tournament started. Luckily, we’ve been able to locate each of those people and return them to their friends or family.”


"There is a lot of work involved when someone goes missing. Gardaí here investigate it and our colleagues in France. We have to talk to the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Football Association of Ireland, " he said.

Supt Delmar said bank statements, CCTV and mobile phone records have to be checked when a person goes missing.

“It is keeping us busy and our French colleagues busy,” he said.

“My appeal to fans is: Don’t overdo the celebrations and drink responsibly. If they are out and about they should stick together. People going missing are causing a lot anxiety to friends and family.”