Fraud attempt linked to property tax helpline

Suspended employee worked for company contracted by the Revenue Commissioners to assist people filing tax return

The property tax website: Gardaí were notified after management operating the local property tax helpline for the Revenue Commissioners became aware an employee was asking people for credit card details. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Gardaí in Cork have begun an investigation into attempted credit card fraud by a person handling queries from the public about filing local property tax (LPT) returns.

The person, suspended on Thursday, worked for a company contracted by the Revenue Commissioners to assist people filing the tax return.

Gardaí were notified by the company, Abtran, last week after management operating the LPT helpline for the Revenue Commissioners became aware an employee was asking people for credit card details. It is understood the employee was only with the company a few days but once Abtran management became aware of what he was doing, they notified the Garda and an investigation begun.

Abtran, in a statement last night, said: “The individual was not a member of a payments-authorised department within Abtran. The individual had no authority to request any such details of customers and should not have done so. Those actions, and the customers potentially impacted, have been identified.”


Suspect interviewed
Gardaí met the employee by appointment at Togher Garda station on Friday and interviewed him about the attempted fraud.

Last night, the Revenue Commissioners expressed concern but pointed out no cardholder had suffered loss.

According to the Revenue, gardaí have alerted the credit card companies involved and the companies are due to notifiy the 11 cardholders. Revenue will also contact any customers for whom it has contact details.

“Since this incident also constitutes a data breach, Revenue has reported the matter to the Data Protection Commissioner and his office is advising us.”

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times