DJ gets eight years for selling ecstasy and cocaine

Gardaí found tablets and cocaine worth more than €500,000 in Dublin apartment

Ecstasy: Gardaí found 48,000 ecstasy tablets and 354g of cocaine in a dealer’s apartment in Dublin city centre.

A Brazilian DJ who was caught with more than €500,000 worth of ecstasy tablets and cocaine has been sentenced to eight years in prison with the final four suspended.

Gardaí­ searching the home of Eduardo Biegelmeyer (26) found more than 48,000 ecstasy tablets, most of them hidden in jigsaw boxes.

Biegelmeyer, of Lafayette Building, D’Olier Street, Dublin pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to possession of drugs for sale or supply at his home on July 29, 2016.

Garda Donal O’Sullivan told the court the DJ was “well known in the Brazilian community in Dublin as someone who would sell drugs”.


The court heard a number of gardaí­ had set up surveillance outside Biegelmeyer’s home when they spotted what seemed to be a drug transaction between him and another man.

Both were arrested and Biegelmeyer had 16 MDMA tablets on him. A later search of his apartment led to the discovery of more than 48,000 ecstasy tablets, worth an estimated €485,160 and 354g of cocaine valued at €22,778.

Biegelmeyer told gardaí­ in interview he was a cocaine addict and claimed he was under threat to pay back a €40,000 drug debt. He said he earned €1,000 per month working as a DJ and earned extra money selling drugs to friends. He said he had managed to save €12,000 and it was his hope to get enough money to return to Brazil with his girlfriend.

Garda O’Sullivan told Pieter Le Vert BL, prosecuting, that Biegelmeyer had come to Ireland on a student visa three years earlier but was now living illegally in the country as he no longer attended college.