Detectives vow to return killers of Adrian Donohoe to Republic

Team investigating 2013 killing of detective Garda working with police in US and Europe

Det Garda Adrian Donohoe. Detectives believe they have identified the individuals involved in the 2013 killing.

Senior detectives investigating the murder of Det Garda Adrian Donohoe have vowed to bring his killers back to the Republic to face justice.

Det Garda Donohoe (41), a father of two, was killed when he was shot at close range in the car park of the Lordship Credit Union, Bellurgan, Jenkinstown, on the Cooley peninsula, Co Louth, at 9.30pm on January 25th, 2013.

He arrived at the credit union with Det Garda Joe Ryan to provide an armed escort for a staff member depositing a bag of money at a bank night safe.

He got out of his car to question a group of men who were acting suspiciously when one of them discharged a shot from a shotgun, fatally wounding him on the right side of his face and head. The gang escaped with a sum of money.


While the Garda does not comment publicly on operational matters, it’s understood detectives believe they have identified the individuals involved, but that they have fled the jurisdiction. It is understood at least one of the suspects relocated to New York.

‘Working closely’

Chief Supt Seán Ward said on Wednesday the force was “engaged with and working closely” with police forces in the United States and continental Europe, as well as the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) in relation to the investigation.

“Of course there is a transnational aspect to it,” he said. “I’m not going to go into the details of it, but the co-operation we are receiving from those police forces outside out own jurisdiction is excellent and is contributing to the investigation greatly.

“Wherever they are, I can assure you we will find them, track them down and bring them back here. This is a highly complex investigation and it is important that we make sure we have every single detail right.”

Earlier, Garda Commissioner Nóirín O’Sullivan said “extensive inquiries” continued to be carried out in this State as well, as with “our international partners”.

Witness statements

To date, the Garda has carried out more than 5,600 individual inquiries, taken more than 2,500 witness statements and examined more than 20,000 hours of CCTV footage.

Wednesday marked the fourth anniversary of Det Garda Donohoe’s murder, and Assistant Commissioner Michael Finn appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

“We don’t have the full picture,” he said. “We are missing small but vital links and we know there are people out there with these snippets of information.

“We are appealing for people who may have been reluctant in the past to come forward. No matter what the information – big or small – it could be the key piece of information that makes the link for us.”

The Irish League of Credit Unions has offered a reward of €50,000 for information that leads to any arrest and prosecution in respect of the killing of Det Garda Donohoe.

Anyone with information should call the incident room in Dundalk Garda Station on 042-9388470 or the Garda Confidential Number, 1800-666111.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter