Secure place sought for troubled teenager

Court-appointed guardian believes boy (17) at risk

Lawyers acting for the court-appointed guardian of a troubled 17-year-old teenage boy fear his life may be at risk unless he secures a placement at a secure facility.

In the High Court today, Ms Justice Bronagh O'Hanlon was told the teen, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has a history of engaging in reckless behaviour including the taking of illegal drugs. He had also built up a drug debt in the region where he is from.

Barrister Donal Ó Muircheartaigh, counsel for the boy’s guardian, said the teen’s situation had deteriorated in recent days. He needed to be admitted to a secure facility to keep him and those around him safe.

The teen, who has been the subject of a number of care orders, had been placed at an unsecured facility for young people but hadabsconded on a number of occasions.


Mr Ó Muircheartaigh said the boy had assaulted a doctor and a garda when recently admitted to hospital. On being discharged, he assaulted staff outside the hospital.

On a previous occasion, he had to be taken to hospital because he sustained needle injuries in a fight.

Mr O Muircheartaigh said that on that occasion he had tested positive for cocaine and cannabis and was “falling through the cracks”. Given recent events it was “a life or death” situation for him.

Barrister Sarah McKechnie, for the Child and Family Agency, said it was accepted that steps needed to be taken to ensure the boy's safety. She said an emergency meeting of professionals, where his needs would be assessed, was due to take place next week.

Ms McKechnie said the boy had not been engaging with various supports set up to help him. She accepted that there might be a difficulty in finding a secure bed for the teen as the various care facilities were stretched to capacity.

The judge adjourned the matter for a week.