Man in high-speed chase freed on bail for drug treatment

Leonard Dumbrell (26) drove stolen car wrong way up one-way streets before crashing it

Leonard Dumbrell (26), of The Park, Clonattin Village, Gorey, but originally from Inchicore in Dublin 8, pleaded guilty to car theft in Dublin 4 and two counts of dangerous driving in Dublin city centre on January 2nd, 2013. Photograph: Reuters

A Wexford man who led gardaí on a high-speed city centre chase in Dublin has been allowed out on bail to attend residential drug treatment, pending sentence.

Leonard Dumbrell (26), stole the car in Ballsbridge and drove it at speed and up the wrong way on one-way streets before crashing it at Temple Bar Square.

The court heard he almost knocked over pedestrians on O’Connell Bridge in an effort to get away from gardaí.

Judge Mary Ellen Ring had remanded him in custody until sentencing at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court today, but acceded to a request from defence counsel John Berry BL to allow him out on bail this Thursday to attend an eight-week drug treatment programme.


Dumbrell, of The Park, Clonattin Village, Gorey, but originally from Inchicore in Dublin 8, pleaded guilty to car theft in Dublin 4 and two counts of dangerous driving in Dublin city centre on January 2nd, 2013.

He has 108 previous convictions including car thefts, assaulting a garda and violent disorder.

The court heard he comes from a family who are well-known to gardaí.

Mr Berry told Judge Ring his client understands that he is "on the shortest of leashes" and any breach of his bail bond will result in him being remanded in prison.

Aftercare programme

He said there was a space available for Dumbrell for a four-week residential programme that will be followed up by a four-week aftercare programme.

Mr Berry submitted that Dumbrell was “chaotic” at the time of the offence and that his drug problem is the “root cause” of his offending behaviour.

Lorcan Staines BL, prosecuting, said there were State objections to the application due to Dumbrell’s large number of previous convictions, which included a number of bench warrants.

He said Dumbrell had previously absconded on his sentence date after he had been sitting in the courtroom earlier that day. He said he had also failed to complete a different residential drug treatment programme.

Mr Berry said his client acknowledges he left the Victory Outreach programme but said that he now has a reason to be motivated due to a supportive partner.

He said Dumbrell has already detoxed while on remand in Cloverhill, awaiting sentence.

Judge Ring remanded Dumbrell back to custody with consent to bail for Thursday. She said he was to enter the bond before the governor.

“If he puts a foot outside the door (of the treatment centre) without their consent, gardaí are to be notified, it will be a breach of bond and I will issue a warrant,” Judge Ring said.

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher is Crime and Security Correspondent of The Irish Times