Occupiers of ‘unsafe’ Dublin property ordered to leave

Group occupying Blessington Street building must vacate by 6pm on Tuesday evening

The High Court has ordered the occupiers of a building in Blessington Street to vacate by 6pm on Tuesday. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien/File/The Irish Times

A group of people occupying a Dublin building said to be currently unsafe for habitation must vacate it by 6pm on Tuesday evening.

Ms Justice Leonie Reynolds on Tuesday granted the owners of a building at 42 and 43 Blessington Street in Dublin 7 an order against several persons unknown, requiring them to leave the property.

The three-storey over basement Georgian building is owned by construction firms Deck Building Services DAC, KDM Construction Ltd and Clonmel Enterprises Ltd, which plan to convert it into an aparthotel.

The judge said evidence had been given of health and safety concerns about the building, that it did not currently have a fire safety certificate and was not insured due to the illegal occupation.


In the circumstances, the court was satisfied to grant the injunctions sought by the owners and to order that those in occupation, whose identities are not known, must leave by 6 pm on Tuesday.

There was no appearance by any of the persons occupying the premises,and no representations were made to the court on their behalf.

The judge was satisfied the occupants were aware of the owner’s proceedings.

She said, when the matter was last before the court, a person had said they represented six people who were occupying the building.

That person had undertaken they would inform the occupants about the court action, the judge said.

The owners, represented by Padraig D Lyons BL, said the owner’s agent had seen lights on in the building following an inspection on Friday night.

It was not known if anyone is currently in occupation but his clients were entitled to the orders sought, counsel said.

Earlier this month, the premises was unlawfully occupied by unknown persons and the locks on the doors were changed.

One of the occupants identified themselves as “Oliver Rabbite” and another identified himself as “Mouse”.

They were asked to leave by the owner’s agents but failed to leave and said they have no alternative accommodation to go to.

The owners say the building is not currently safe for occupation and, in its current poor state, does not comply with building regulations.

Works had been planned to make the property compliant with fire safety regulations, it was stated.