Man steals five selection boxes but gardaí have him by the Curly Wurlys

Jason Coffey (26), who had 54 previous convictions for public order and theft, jailed

A man who was caught leaving a shop in Killarney with five Cadbury’s Selection boxes has been jailed.

A man who was caught leaving a shop in Killarney with five Cadbury's Selection boxes has been jailed.

The Judge said he might be some way lenient if the theft was for hunger – but this was for chocolate.

Judge James O’Connor also said he was taking into account the number of previous convictions notched by the man who had no respect for the system.

Jason Coffey (26) from the Halting Site, Fossa admitted stealing five Cadburys Selection Boxes from Dealz, High Street, Killarney on November 8th last, and elected for the matter to be dealt with at Killarney District Court, rather than before a jury at the Circuit Court.


Seargent Miriam Mulhall Nolan outlined how Jason Coffey had been leaving the Dealz premises in the town centre when he was caught with the selection boxes which he had not paid for.

He had 54 previous convictions including for public order and for theft, the Sergeant said.

Mr Coffey’s solicitor, Padraig O’Connell said the chocolate was recovered. His client was unemployed and in receipt of €156 a week.

“There is no loss. He was co-operative,” the solicitor said.

However Judge James O’Connor said: “If a guy has 54 previous convictions and he has the gall to steal five bars of chocolate..I can understand if he was hungry…Stealing five bars of chocolate … He has no respect for the system!”

The judge added “this is a jail scenario,” rejecting a plea from Mr O’Connell to put the case into the January list, which would get his client over Christmas.

“No. I will not put it into January. Somebody has to stand up to this kind of stuff,” the judge said, giving Mr Coffey a choice between “six or seven months” if he deferred, or three weeks if he went into custody immediately.

Mr Coffey went for the shorter option and was remanded in custody to brought again before the court next week, where he will be further remanded it is expected.