Man faces trial over sale of allegedly defective condoms

Judge asks for basis of defectiveness: ‘Were they tried out?’

The court previously heard the condoms sold may have been out of date. Photograph: Pederk/E+/Getty

A man has been sent for trial before a jury at the Circuit Criminal Court charged with selling out-of-date or defective condoms.

Charles Ward, of Vicars Choral, Tuam, Co Galway, denies deceiving and inducing a shop assistant in Killarney into paying €240 for Durex condoms on August 12th, 2015, at Hegarty's Shop, Park Road, Killarney.

The book of evidence was yesterday served on Mr Ward (27) at Killarney District Court. He denies the charge.

Mr Ward’s solicitor, Pádraig O’Connell, said the allegation the condoms were defective would be disputed.


Judge James O’Connor asked yesterday what the allegation the condoms were defective centred on. “Were they tried out?” he asked.

The court has previously heard the items may have been out of date. It has heard how Mr Ward had gone into the shop “on the pretext of being a delivery man”. Mr Ward allegedly told the assistant the purchase had been sanctioned by the manager. The assistant paid €240 to Mr Ward.

The order number was invalid and a wrong name used and the condoms were inferior, the court heard. Mr Ward was remanded on bail.