Former solicitor charged with arson to pub and office building

Ex-lawyer also remanded on bail for service of book of evidence on nine fraud charges

Mark Cronin (39) was remanded on bail after being charged with arson in Macroom, Co Cork. Photograph: Reuters

A former solicitor has been remanded on bail after he was charged with arson at a building housing a pub and a solicitor's office in a Co Cork town.

Mark Cronin with an address at New Street, Macroom, was charged at Macroom District Courtwith arson to a building housing a pub and a solicitor's office at Middle Square Macroom on October 4th, 2010.

Mr Cronin (39) made no reply to the charge when it was put to him after caution following his arrest, Det Garda Tom O’Sullivan told the court.

Insp Jerry Lacey said gardai had no objection to bail and Judge James McNulty remanded him on existing bail terms to appear again at Macroom District Court on May 6th.


He also remanded Mr Cronin to the same date for service of the book of evidence against him on nine fraud offences with which he was charged at Bandon District Court last month.

Mr Cronin is charged with three counts of stealing €30,000, €40,000 and €100,000 from Maurice and Rosemary McCarthy at his office in South Square, Macroom on dates in 2011 and 2012. He is also charged with stealing €79,364.48 from Sean O'Sullivan, also at his office in Macroom, on a date between January 25th 2011 and January 19th 2012.

Mr Cronin is also charged of stealing €24,220 from Eric Graham at his office between July 1st 2009 and December 15th 2013.

All five theft charges against Mr Cronin are contrary to Section 4 of the Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud) Act 2011 and involve a total sum of €273,854, the court had heard.

Mr Cronin is also charged with two counts of theft by deception and two counts of using a false document, contrary to Section 6 and Section 25 of the same legislation.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times