Fair City actor who bit and punched girlfriend spared jail

Patrick Fitzpatrick (33), who played Zumo Bishop, gets 12 months probation for assault

Patrick Fitzpatrick: pleaded guilty to a charge of assault causing harm to his former partner, Theresa Gannon. Photograph: Collins Courts.

An actor who punched and bit his former partner during an assault has been spared a jail sentence.

Patrick Fitzpatrick (33), who played Carrigstown villain Zumo Bishop for six years in the RTÉ TV soap Fair City, appeared at Dublin District Court on Monday for sentencing. He received a 12-month probation bond for the attack.

He pleaded guilty earlier to assault causing harm to Theresa Gannon at his home at Hollytree Terrace, Ballymun, on September4th, 2015. The charge was under Section Three of the Non Fatal Offences Against the Person Act. The offence, at district court level, can carry a sentence of up to one year.

Judge John Lindsay noted Fitzpatrick had complied with his order, made at an earlier stage, to pay €2,000 to his former partner.


He said Fitzpatrick must continue attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetsings and complete a 26-week course at Move, an organisation which helps address domestic violence.

At an earlier hearing, Garda Niall Carolan had told Judge Lindsay that Fitzpatrick bit the woman’s upper arm but did not break skin. He also said the actor then punched her twice on the side of her jaw.

She suffered bruising but “has made a full recovery”, the court heard.