Trial of two former RUC detectives collapses in Belfast

Two had been due to stand trial next year accused of perverting the course of justice

No details were given in Belfast Crown Court as to why the Public Prosecution Service had decided not to proceed to trial with the case against former RUC detectives John McGahan and Philip Noel Thomson. Photograph: Thinkstock

The trial of two former RUC detectives has collapsed after the prosecution offered no evidence against them.

John McGahan (71) and Philip Noel Thomson (64) had been due to stand trial next year accused of perverting the course of justice over an investigation into the killing of a soldier in Derry in the 1970s.

Mr McGahan had previously denied perverting the course of justice by “recording a statement after caution from Gerard Kieran McGowan which was not an independent account of his involvement in the murder of Steven Andrew Kirby” between February 27th and March 3rd, 1979.

Mr Thomson had also denied perverting the course of justice by “recording a statement after caution from Gerard Kieran McGowan which was not an independent account of his involvement in the shooting of Noel Ronald Smith”.


At Belfast Crown Court, prosecution counsel Charles MacCreanor QC told Mr Justice Weir: "I am instructed by the Public Prosecution Service to offer no evidence in this matter."

No details were given in court as to why the PPS had decided not to proceed to trial with the case.

Greg Berry QC, for both defendants, told Mr Justice Weir the former detectives were not present in court as “we only became aware of this matter yesterday”.

He added: “We would be seeking a verdict in this matter and we would request a jury panel be sworn in for that.”

Mr Justice Weir agreed and said a jury would be sworn in on January 12th next to formally deliver a not guilty verdict on the charges faced by the former police officers.

The charges faced by the officers related to an RUC investigation into the murder of Royal Welsh Fusiliers officer Lieut Steven Kirby, who was shot dead by the Provisional IRA in February 1979 at Abercorn Road in Derry.

The RUC charged four teenagers with his murder: Gerry McGowan, Michael Toner, Stephen Crumlish and Gerard Kelly.

They became known as the “Derry Four” after they skipped bail and crossed the Border into the Republic.

They always protested their innocence and almost 20 years later all charges against them were dropped.

Their treatment by the RUC was investigated by the Police Ombudsman and in 2012 the matter was referred to the PPS. Based on the ombudsman’s report, the PPS decided to profer the charges against the two former RUC detectives.

The complainant in the case, Gerry McGowan, said he was “disappointed” with the decision by the PPS not to proceed with the case to trial.

In a statement issue through his solicitors, Harte Coyle Collins, Mr McGowan saiday: "I was prosecuted in 1979 for the murder of a solider in Derry.

"Me, Michael Toner, Stephen Crumlish and Gerry Kelly were all innocent of this offence. All four of us were acquitted by the Lord Chief Justice in 1998.

“We complained to the Police Ombudsman about the orginal RUC investigation. After seven years of investigation by the Police Ombudsman, a file was sent to the PPS recommending prosecution.

“After two years of consideration by the PPS, there was sufficient evidence to start a prosecution this year.

“Two of the police officers involved in the original investigation and interviews were prosecuted for perverting the course of justice.

"I met with the Director of Public Prosecutions and members of the Police Ombudsman's office yesterday. I was advised that the PPS are no longer proceeding with the prosecution.

“It is my view that this case should have proceeded to trial and been decided by a jury. I am disappointed in the timing and manner in which the PPS have come to this decision.

“My lawyers have today sought access to all documents, including the newly disclosed materials, relied upon by the PPS in making this decision and I will be taking advice on this when I have seen the documents,” added Mr McGowan.

John Cassidy

John Cassidy is a video journalist at The Irish Times