‘I’m not into blood anymore,’ Elaine O’Hara allegedly tells Graham Dwyer

Text read to court from an 083 number says: ‘I got this phone just so it couldn’t be traced’

A text message from Elaine O’Hara in which she allegedly tells Graham Dwyer: “I’m not into blood anymore,” was among more than 400 read to a jury at the Central Criminal Court

A text message from Elaine O'Hara in which she allegedly tells Graham Dwyer: "I'm not into blood anymore," was among more than 400 read to a jury at the Central Criminal Court.

Another, from an 083 number allegedly used by Mr Dwyer and sent to Ms O’Hara, said, “Still dying to knife someone, worried I might do it.”

Mr Dwyer (42), an architect from Kerrymount Close in Foxrock, is charged with murdering Ms O’Hara (36), childcare worker, on August 22nd, 2012. He has pleaded not guilty.

Policing and crime analyst Sarah Skedd told Sean Guerin SC she had compiled more than 2,600 messages, sourced from Ms O’Hara’s iPhone; back-ups of her phone she made to her computer; an 083 number allegedly used by Mr Dwyer and registered to “Goroon Caisholm”; and from two Nokia phones recovered from the Vartry Reservoir.


The first message was dated March 25th, 2011, at 3.22pm and was sent from the 083 number, Mr Guerin said.

“Hi Elaine, hope you are keeping well”. Ms O’Hara responded: “Who’s this please?” The 083 number returns with “This is an old friend . . . We used to play together and I miss it terribly . . .”


Mr Guerin outlined further exchanges and then a message from the 083 number said, “I tried to get you out of my mind but can’t, “David”.”

“Yes it is you, I knew it,” Ms O’Hara said, followed by, “I’m not into blood anymore.”

The conversation continued and the 083 number said: “There is a girl in the USA who asked me to do something you asked me to do . . . thinking about it.” The 083 number also said “I got this phone just so it couldn’t be traced.”

He also asked if she had ever thought about him. “Honestly yes, but then I think of the blood,” Ms O’Hara said.

On March 26th, from 3pm, there were more texts, including one from Ms O’Hara directing the recipient to go into a café at Belarmine Plaza, where she lived, sit down and text her to say he’d arrived.

On March 27th, Ms O’Hara texted: “A bit sore today sir, punches killing me.”

The 083 number responded she was lucky she was “hurting from punches and not stab wounds”.

Later that day, Ms O’Hara texted, “Any news on baby?” to which the 083 number responded, “Not yet, has to happen this week,” Mr Guerin said.

At one point, Ms O’Hara inquired if it was okay for her to have someone else and the 083 number responds that she should get his “prints on the kitchen knife” and “the more DNA in the flat the better”.

She said the other guy is “kind and gentle”.

On March 31st, Ms O’Hara again complained she is covered in bruises and the responder suggests “sudocrem” at night and arnica cream, and wearing a polo neck. “It’s going to be impossible to play and not leave bruises,” he said.

There is also a discussion about the “one in the USA”. The 083 number said it would cost thousands and he “can’t wait that long, can’t wait to stick the knife in”. Ms O’Hara said, “You are not getting me, never again,” and the response was, “You might not have a choice.”


He then said he will find someone out walking to knife and asked: “If you ever want to die promise me that you will let me do it.” The response was, “Yes, sir, I promise,” Mr Guerin said.

The texts also include a discussion about carrying Ms O’Hara out of her apartment tied up in a suitcase. She then said: “You will drive yourself mad, sir . . .” He responded “Stab, stab, stab, rape, kill,” and she answered, “Grow up, sir.” “You are going to get an hour’s punishment for that,” was the answer.

On April 2nd, in a further exchange, the 083 number said “I’ll be there in 20 minutes, leave the door open, be naked in bed, pretending to be asleep.” Later, Ms O’Hara complained of marks on her neck from him “pretending to cut me”. She apologised “about yesterday”.

“Don’t worry about it, just don’t ever untie yourself again”, was the response, Mr Guerin said.

On April 8th, a text from the 083 number said, “There are lots of fluids I’d like to see drip from your body.”

In other texts, Ms O’Hara’s death is discussed. Ms O’Hara said when she wanted to do it before, he didn’t make it easy. The 083 number said, “I wasn’t ready before, am now with this untraceable phone, all you have to do is get into the car . . . it would be painless”.

He said he would use chloroform or drugs. Ms O’Hara said he would never do it as he had left too much DNA at her place and she was “not good at cleaning”. “Don’t worry, I am,” was the response.

The trial continues.

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist