‘Graham Dwyer’ search found on Elaine O’Hara’s old computer, murder trial hears

Images of dead bodies found in folder entitled ‘Dead’ on computer

Det Garda Brid Wallace leaving Dublin Central Criminal Court after she gave evidence in the trial of Graham Dwyer. Photograph: Court/Collins

A search for the words “Graham Dwyer” and “architect”

were found on a computer owned by Elaine O'Hara, a jury at the Central Criminal Court has heard.

Det Garda Bríd Wallace said there were also references to gdwyer@gmail.com on the same computer, a Dell Inspiron 6000, last accessed by Ms O’Hara in March 2010, before she sold it.

Graham Dwyer (42), an architect from Kerrymount Close, Foxrock, is charged with murdering childcare worker Ms O'Hara (36) on August 22nd, 2012. He has pleaded not guilty.


Ms O’Hara’s remains were found in forestry on Killakee Mountain, Rathfarnham, on September 13th, 2013.

Det Garda Wallace said the Dell Inspiron 6000 contained “images of portraits of men” and one was “Dublin Master”, from Alt.com, also associated with “Master William”.

There were also images of scar, and one of Ms O’Hara in a red hoodie with curtains behind her of an oriental pattern. Data associated with this image was dated November 5th, 2008.

This image was also sent to myphotos@makefriends.com.

There were also references for other user profiles on the computer associated with adult website Alt.com. Det Garda Wallace said these were numbers and could be connected to user profiles “suborslaveforyou” and “submissive391”.

She agreed the “submissive391” profile dated back to 2006.


On October 25th, 2007, the submissive391 profile using Alt.com, viewed another profile, architect77. The same profile was viewed four other times in October and November.

Det Garda Wallace agreed Ms O’Hara’s profile also had communication with another profile, architect72.

Seán Guerin SC prosecuting told the court there would be evidence in due course that architect72 had the email fetishboy@gmail.com, that had been traced to an email being used by Ms O’Hara, submissive391@gmail.com.

Det Garda Wallace agreed the suborslaveforyou profile first appeared on October 29th, 2008. There were also traces of messages between Ms O’Hara and other persons associated with the profile. Some related to sexual activity and BDSM (bondage, discipline and sadomasochism). An email on the computer, sent by fetishboy@gmail.com, was dated September 19th, 2008.

It read: “I hope you are keeping ok. Assumed you are trying to get better and trying to stay away from what we do together. I completely understand. You should know I am always thinking of you and hoping you are safe and not suffering too much on the inside.

“Anytime you want I will gladly carry out what I promised I would do, regardless of the consequences. You can call me from a phone box – even if it’s months away or years. I am always waiting. Get in touch any time for a chat or for the simple harmless things you like to do. Take care x sir.”

Det Garda Wallace found searches for Buck Special knives on July 11th, 2012 on Ms O’Hara’s Apple Macbook.

There were also searches for images and videos of stabbing and mutilation.

The detective also found an article entitled Dyslexia and Reading, an essay about dyslexia and children. It had an editing time of zero minutes, which suggested it originated elsewhere. It also was last modified by "AD Wejchert".

Remy Farrell SC, for Mr Dwyer, asked Det Garda Wallace if she was aware an identical document had been found on one of Mr Dwyer’s computers. She said she was.

She also agreed there were searches on Ms O’Hara’s laptop for properties in Co Wicklow.

Mr Farrell also took the detective through images downloaded to the computer in July 2012 and last accessed on August 18th, 2012. These were contained in a folder entitled “Dead” and some were in a subfolder “Killings”.

The images, shown to the judge, jury and counsel on small screens, but not on the large courtroom screens, included dead bodies and images of women hanging and stabbed.

Det Garda Wallace also gave evidence of her examination of a blue Hewlett Packard laptop owned by Ms O’Hara.

This contained several images from Google Maps, she said, including areas of the Dublin mountains. She agreed with Mr Guerin that there was an image of an area called Cruagh and also of Killakee Woods and the Vartry reservoir near Roundwood, where some of “the items of interest” were found.

Pdf books

Other documents found on Ms O’Hara’s Apple laptop included books in pdf format last accessed on August 18th, 2012. One was called

21 Techniques of Silent Killing

, another was

Hidden Secret Weapons

and a third was

Murder Inc: the Book by Jack the Rippa.

It identified a number of different ways to kill people.

The detective also gave evidence of communications via Yahoo messenger, an online instant messaging service.

Ms O’Hara’s user name was “bound” and her address was boundforyou.slave7@gmail. com. There were communications with three people between September 15th and November 4th, 2010.

Det Garda Wallace agreed with Mr Guerin that they were “all indicative of people with an interest in BDSM” and others were about making arrangements to meet people. They included communication with Kurt Ronnkuist, who, Mr Guerin reminded the jury, had already given evidence, and from “Master William”, who was Robert Cullen-Jones, who had also gave evidence. The third was from a user called “Deepak”.

Mr Justice Tony Hunt said the jury would not be needed again until next Wednesday.

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist