Man sentenced to three years in prison for cannabis operation

Mariek Asijewski (56) pleaded guilty over ‘the most significant drugs find by Mayo gardaí’

A man who operated a large-scale cannabis growhouse in south Co Mayo has been sentenced to a total of three years in prison. File photograph: Matthew Staver/Bloomberg

A man who operated a large-scale, sophisticated cannabis growhouse in south Co Mayo was sentenced to a total of three years in prison at Castlebar Circuit Criminal Court on Tuesday.

Almost 300 cannabis plants with a total street value of €237,600 were discovered by gardaí when they raided a house at Ballinchalla, The Neale, which was being rented by 56-year-old Mariek Asijewski.

Mr Asijewski pleaded guilty at a court in January to the possession of cannabis with intent to supply and to the cultivation of cannabis.

At Tuesday's sentencing hearing, Garda Nicola Dolan said the discovery of the growhouse following a search under warrant on April 5th of last year was the most significant drugs find ever in the Mayo Garda Division.


The ESB meter in the house had been bypassed in order to provide free electricity for the growhouse operation.

Cannabis plants were discovered growing in two upstairs bedrooms, a downstairs bedroom and in an attic space, the court heard.

Sentencing Asijewski to a total of three years in prison, Judge Rory MacCabe said he had been part of a significant drugs enterprise.

The judge backdated the sentence to take account of the 13 months Mr Asijewski had already spent in prison since his arrest.

The judge made an order for the destruction of the drugs seized.