Man harassed ex-partner after beating her up, court hears

Neven Vukovic (40) pleads guilty to assault causing harm to Fionnuala Ní Mhartín

A man repeatedly threatened his ex-partner for weeks after beating her up because he refused to accept their relationship had ended, a court has heard. File photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

A man repeatedly threatened his ex-partner for weeks after beating her up because he refused to accept their relationship had ended, a court has heard.

Neven Vukovic (40) punched and kicked Fionnuala Ní Mhartín during the attack at her Dublin home in September 2015.

The victim suffered a fracture to the bone around her eye, among other injuries.

Vukovic, of Malahide Road, Clontarf, Dublin, pleaded guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to assault causing harm of Ms Ní Mhartín at Aughrim Street on September 2nd, 2015.


The victim had split up with Vukovic two days previously.

He sent her a text earlier in the day calling her a “cold Irish bitch” and telling her: “You’ll always be alone.”

That evening, Vukovic showed up at the victim’s home.

He tried to hug her but she wouldn’t hug him and he became annoyed.

She told him the relationship was definitely over and he began shouting, “No”, and slapped her on the head.

He then started “windmilling” her with punches and kicks, the victim later told gardaí.

The punches included a full-force punch to the eye and a painful smack to the side of her face, Garda Neil O’Brien said.

Ms Ní Mhartín got away from him and got out of the house by climbing out a front downstairs window.

She then went to the house of a neighbour, who brought her to hospital.

Mr O'Brien told Fionnuala O'Sullivan BL, prosecuting, that immediately after the attack Vukovic began calling the victim's phone constantly and sending messages to her Facebook page.

He said his messages would begin apologetically but when there was no response they would get angrier.

This behaviour continued for weeks.


In one message, Vukovic said he would come to the victim’s house that night.

A later message stated he wanted to be with her again.

When this was ignored, he sent a message saying: “Just be aware on your birthday you could be very sad. You’re so stupid, die stupid.

“Fuck you, you are dead. Don’t forget about your birthday, you’re not going to live.”

The victim took these messages as serious threats.

Gardaí subsequently arrested Vukovic and later charged him with assault and with harassment.

Vukovic, a Croatian national living here since early 2015, has since taken part in an anger management course and in counselling.

Rebecca Smith BL, defending, said her client had only now begun to deal with the trauma caused by living in Croatia during the war in the 1990s.

Counsel said that Vukovic, who was in a new relationship, was measured to be at a low risk of re-offending and had demonstrated victim empathy and remorse.

Judge Patricia Ryan adjourned sentencing to April next.

She released Vukovic on continuing bail under strict conditions, including that he had no contact with the victim.