Learner driver whose passenger sustained brain injury in crash avoids jail

James Lordan fined €3,500 and disqualified for four years and three months

Judge Donagh McDonagh decided not to impose a prison sentence on James Lordan because he said the incident had occurred due to a momentary lapse of concentration. Photograph: Reuters

A learner drive whose friend sustained a brain injury in a crash avoided a jail sentence today.

James Lordan (20) of Dunmanway, Co Cork pleaded guilty to charges of dangerous driving causing serious harm to William White and to drink driving on December 21st, 2013. The crash occurred near Dunmanway, Co Cork.

Mr White was sitting in in the front of a Toyota Corolla between the seats without a seat belt. Cork Circuit Criminal Court heard Lordan overcorrected on a bend and hit a ditch and a stone wall.

Mr White, who was then 20 years old, was thrown out the back window. He incurred serious head injuries in the crash.


His father, Michael, told the court that when William was brought to hospital there appeared to be little hope for his survival. He was in a coma for five weeks.

“When he gained consciousness he could not talk or understand what was being said to him.

“Now, over a year later, he has begun to say a few words. He cannot stand up or sit up. He cannot feed himself.

“He loved life and his girlfriend and was very happy. But now his and our lives have changed dramatically as he needs 24-hour-a-day care now and into the future.

Judge Donagh McDonagh decided not to impose a prison sentence in the case because he said the incident had occurred due to a momentary lapse of concentration.

The judge fined Lordan €3,500. He also disqualified him from driving for four years and three months.