Approval of £240m Belfast incinerator by civil servant ‘unlawful’

Decision on Mallusk facility taken in absence of minister due to Stormont stasis, court told

The approval of a £240 million waste incinerator on the outskirts of Belfast by a civil servant without a minister being in post was unlawful, a High Court judge has ruled.

The approval of a £240 million waste incinerator on the outskirts of Belfast by a civil servant without a minister being in post was unlawful, a High Court judge has ruled.

Mrs Justice Keegan backed claims that senior officials do not have legal powers to give the green light for the waste disposal facility at Hightown Quarry in Mallusk following the collapse of devolution.

"I do not consider that parliament can have intended that such decision making would continue in Northern Ireland in the absence of ministers without the protection of democratic accountability," the judge said.

The verdict represents victory for campaigners opposed to the controversial incinerator.


The proposed incinerator was turned down in 2015 by then environment minister Mark H Durkan. But a consortium behind the project on behalf of six local councils, Arc21, was given permission after the Planning Appeals Commission recommended approval.

The Department for Infrastructure last September said it was in the public interest for the waste management system to be built, describing it as being of strategic importance for the region. The decision after the Stormont Executive collapsed in January 2017.

Up to 4,000 letters objecting to the incinerator were lodged, with residents listing concerns about the visual impact, light and noise pollution and health implications.

Lacked direction

Judicial review proceedings were issued by Colin Buick, chairman of community group NoArc21. His barrister argued that senior officials had no legal power to approve the incinerator.

The department’s decision to grant planning permission lacked the direction and control of a minister required under legislation, it was argued. Mrs Justice Keegan was told that alone was enough to “sound the death knell” for allowing the development. Counsel for Mr Buick also claimed civil servants are in “disarray” over the extent of their powers in the absence of ministers at Stormont.

Ruling on the challenge, Mrs Justice Keegan said the case advanced by the department “would mean civil servants in Northern Ireland could effectively take major policy decisions such as this one for an indefinite period”.

She stressed there is currently a protracted vacuum pending either the restoration of executive and legislative institutions or direct rule in Northern Ireland.

The judge acknowledged arguments about how the delay in determining the Arc21 planning application was impacting on public waste and environmental development at national, European and international level. The entire programme for government is on hold while the political impasse continues, she pointed out.

“However, I do not consider that the exigencies of the current situation are an adequate justification for the course that has been taken,” the judge added. “I have decided that the decision is unlawful on the vires ground.”

Further decisions on the appropriate remedy and costs of the case will be taken at a later date.

Outside court a spokesman for Arc21 said it was disappointed with the ruling.

“We will take time to consider the judgement in detail and consult with our stakeholders.”