Court service rebukes judge comments

The Courts Service has strongly rebuked criticism of its staff by District Court Judge John Neilan.

The Courts Service has strongly rebuked criticism of its staff by District Court Judge John Neilan.

In a statement the service said references made by the judge to staff as lazy are "simply unacceptable".

The statement read: "Judge Neilan's references to these hard working staff as lazy etc is simply unacceptable, denigrating, gratuitous and very demoralising for staff who at every turn seek to assist him."

Judge Nielan made his comments during a late sitting of the Tullamore District Court ten days ago after courts service staff had informed the judge that they would not work beyond 6pm. The judge adjourned the case and called the staff "totally incompetent".


However, the service said that courts nationwide normally finish between 4pm and 5pm and even though staff "like everybody else in the country, have domestic commitments" they have consistently demonstrated a "flexibility and willingness to accommodate late sittings, where such late sittings are unavoidable".

It said staff had been instructed not to work excessive hours other than in genuine situations.

The statement continued: "On this occasion Judge Neilan made his comments in court - a situation where staff are unable to respond.

"The courts service as an employer must, and will, protect its staff against unfair, unjust and unwarranted comments such as those made by Judge Neilan.

"To do otherwise, would put the service in breach of its legal obligations as an employer and create a situation where staff will simply refuse to work in the District Court offices in Judge Neilan's district," it concluded.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times