Councils to be asked to get expert valuations before selling public land

MINISTER FOR the Environment John Gormley is to ask all local authorities to obtain professional valuation reports before selling…

MINISTER FOR the Environment John Gormley is to ask all local authorities to obtain professional valuation reports before selling off public lands.

The final decision of the disposal of lands owned by local authorities is a power solely within the remit of local councillors. City and county managers can recommend land is sold, but councillors must vote on a proposed sale.

Currently the management of local authorities recommends a price for the disposal of any piece of land, but does not have to provide any report detailing how particular figures were arrived at.

Speaking during a tour of Green businesses in Co Monaghan, Mr Gormley said he intended to issue a circular to local authorities recommending they commission independent valuations for any land being sold and they present these to councillors.


“Having the benefit of considering professional, independent valuation reports should prove to be of assistance to councillors and helps ensure best practice and transparency in the sale of public lands.”

Mr Gormley said: “Affording elected councillors the opportunity to consider the recommendations contained in these expert reports, including recommended price and which of the various modes of sale is most appropriate, is relevant information which will assist councillors before making their decisions.”

He said independent reports insured transparency and assured the public every effort was made to maximise the price for land.

Monaghan Green Party councillor Vincent P Martin, who has criticised his county management for failing to provide valuation reports, said he had secured a legal opinion which recommended the legal necessity of obtaining a professional valuation.

“Being entrusted to sell lands on behalf of the public, together with the task of deciding what lands should or should not be rezoned, are probably the two biggest and most onerous responsibilities exercised by councillors.”

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times