Eason website failings leave reader without school books

Easonschoolbooks.com does not accept One4All vouchers or Eason evouchers

Eason in Dublin. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

A reader trying to buy school books for her children was left very frustrated by an Eason-owned website. And not just once, but twice.

"I have One4all vouchers that I have put by since January to use to buy school books," the mail from Niamh Byrne begins. It is not going to be a cheap few weeks for her, not least because her eldest child is starting secondary "and of course the books are expensive".

So she logged on to the Eason website and was redirected to the school books site. “I put all the books into the basket and the final tally came to a whopping €355. I tried to pay but the site refused to accept my voucher. I emailed Eason and they told me that their school books website doesn’t accept One4all vouchers.”

She is understandably annoyed as she does not have the €355 extra cash to pay for the books.


She emailed the company to ask why it did not accept vouchers, but received no reply, so she contacted us. Then she had an idea that she thought would resolve the problem.

She thought she could bypass the problem by buying Eason vouchers online. “It turns out they cannot be used for school books either. I am beyond frustrated and am actually upset at this stage. I now have a €350 evoucher for Eason online only and no money to buy the books. Sorry for rant, I’m at my wits’ end. I have asked Eason support to reimburse original voucher so at the very least I can use it in stores,” she said.

We contacted the bookseller and received a very short statement that could hardly be described as illuminating. This is it in full: "One4all vouchers are accepted in all of our Eason Company stores nationwide and both One4All vouchers and Eason evouchers are accepted on Easons. com. At this time, Easonschoolbooks. com does not have the technical functionality to accept One4All vouchers or Eason evouchers. We are addressing this particular query directly with our customer."