Call for 'investment passports' to be revoked

The Labour party today called on the Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, to include powers enabling him to revoke Irish passports…

The Labour party today called on the Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, to include powers enabling him to revoke Irish passports granted to non-nationals involved in serious criminal offences.

The call comes following news this week that the Czech government is seeking the extradition of Mr Victor Kozeny, who is an Irish passport holder under the passport for investment scheme, from the Bahamas.

Mr Kozeny is wanted in the Czech Republic and the US on charges of defrauding and embezzlement.

Mr Joe Costello, Labour's justice spokesman , said the Minister should ensure that legistlation to abolish the passport for investment scheme contains enough power to revoke passports already held if the person is involved in criminal offences.


"The passports may well have been granted in good faith by the Irish authorities at the time, but it surely must be a matter of considerable concern that international fugitives are travelling the world on Irish passports, essentially granted in return for financial payments," Mr Costello said.

Mr Costello added that people like Mr Kozeny may be using an Irish passport to avoid arrest will "create an impression that Ireland is some sort of safe haven for international crooks."

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times