Call for Gathering photographs for commemorative book

Book will include contributions from Katie Taylor, Seamus Heaney and Brian O’Driscoll

‘The Gathering – Reflections on Ireland’ will include reflections from Olympic gold medallist Katie Taylor, Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney and rugby player Brian O’Driscoll. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien
‘The Gathering – Reflections on Ireland’ will include reflections from Olympic gold medallist Katie Taylor, Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney and rugby player Brian O’Driscoll. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

The Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) is looking for photographs from people who have taken part in Gathering and clan events for a book to commemorate the Gathering.

The best photographs taken in Ireland and abroad will be included in the book, which will be called The Gathering – Reflections on Ireland . Photographs will be judged by Frank Miller, picture editor of The Irish Times ; director of photography at Griffith College Dublin Sinead Murphy; Steve Averill of AMP Visual, who is internationally acclaimed for his award-winning work with U2; and IHF chief executive Sharon Foley.

Photos must be digital and be high resolution. Closing date for entries is June 7th. Details about photo submission can be found on

The book will also include reflections from well-known Irish people such as Riverdance creator Moya Doherty; Nobel poetry laureate Seamus Heaney; rugby player Brian O’Driscoll; fashion designer Simone Rocha; and Olympic gold medallist Katie Taylor.


The book, for which The Irish Times is a media partner, will be available in September, with all profits going to the IHF.