Call for ban on unhealthy food adverts

A majority of parents believe television advertising is having a negative influence on their children’s food choices and would…

A majority of parents believe television advertising is having a negative influence on their children’s food choices and would support a ban on the marketing of certain products up to the watershed of 9pm.

These are just two of the findings of a survey conducted on behalf of the National Heart Alliance (NHA).

The main source of unhealthy food advertising, cited by parents, was television. Concern was also expressed, however, about vending machines, food packaging and the internet.

Some 89 per cent of parents believe advertising adversely influences their children’s choices.


Three out of four of those surveyed said they were concerned about the advertising of unhealthy foods to children and over 80 per cent favoured Government action being taken on the issue.

The survey of around 2,000 adults, 632 of whom were parents of dependent children, also found that 78 per cent of parents and 75 per cent of all adults would support a ban on adverts for unhealthy foods up to 9pm.

The NHA, together with the Irish Heart Foundation (IHF), today called for a ban on advertising of such products between the hours of 6am to 9pm.

Health promotion manager with the IHF Maureen Mulvihill said: "Irish parents have identified a need to address not just broadcast media, but all media targeted at children carrying ads for unhealthy foods.

Ms Mulvihill said: “We have shown leadership in public health to protect passive smokers in the workplace, now let us show the same leadership to protect the health of our children and take one important policy step to tackle the problem of obesity in children."

The NHA has launched a children's food campaign aimed at keeping parents and policy makers aware of the issues and to encourage debate.

The Children's Food Campaign4 is seeking to restrict advertising of “energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods high in fat, sugar and salt, as defined by nutrient profiling” to after the watershed.

It also wants the Department of Health and Children, the Health Service Executive and the Department of Education to support parents and carers in implanting health dietary patterns in the home.

The NHA believes the school environment is a pivotal setting for the promotion of healthy living, physical activity and healthy weight. The Alliance plans to launch a website, shortly to support its campaign.

It welcomed a recent indication from Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Eamon Ryan that he intended to bring in legislation to protect children from the marketing of unhealthy foods under the new powers of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times