Cabinet decides to abolish HSE management structure

The existing HSE structure for administering health services are to be scrapped under changes announced by the Government.

The existing HSE structure for administering health services are to be scrapped under changes announced by the Government.

Under moves approved by Cabinet today the current arrangements which involve the HSE being run by a board and chief executive of the HSE will be replaced by a new directorate.

The Cabinet today gave approval to the Minister for Health James Reilly to draft legislation for a new transitional governance structure for the HSE. The HSE is scheduled to be abolished “over time” under the terms of the programme for Government.

The Department of Health said the new changes would see an organisational division between those parts of the health service charged with purchasing health/social services and those assets charged with providing the health/social services.


“This in turn will allow the implementation of a full ‘Money Follows the Patient’ system where providers are paid on the basis of services delivered. It is the view of Government that the interests of citizens in securing high quality health care in an effective, efficient manner will be best achieved in this way.”

There will be seven parts of the new health service directorate: hospital care, primary care, mental health, children and family services, social care, public health and corporate/shared services.

“Seven key individuals will be appointed as directors, one of the seven will be appointed as the director general. The Minister for Health will determine the precise functions of the directors.

“The Minister will bring forward detailed proposals at a later date for the re-organisation of the HSE at the directorate, regional and local level in a manner which facilitates a smooth transition from the current structure to the structures required under universal health insurance.”

The Department of Health said the purpose of this new directorate team would be to run the health services as they exist and to prepare for the transformation required in the move to universal health insurance.

Separately, Dr Frank Dolphin has agreed to step down as the chairman of the HSE Interim Board.

He will be replaced by the secretary general of the Department of Health and Children, Michael Scanlan.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.