Board calls for end to bitter exchanges at UCC

An influential group which includes senior business figures, a former attorney general and a former president of the European…

An influential group which includes senior business figures, a former attorney general and a former president of the European Parliament, have called for an end to bitter exchanges at UCC, which it says are damaging the reputation of the college.

In an unprecedented intervention, the foundation board of UCC expressed concern about the impact of recent media coverage. UCC has been convulsed by the feud between supporters and opponents of controversial president Prof Gerry Wrixon.

Last week, the UCC board acting with the approval of the HEA launched an inquiry into allegations made against Prof Wrixon.

The inquiry is being conducted by John Malone, a former secretary general at the Department of Agriculture. His report is expected next month. The board said yesterday: "We ask everyone with the best interest of UCC at heart to refrain from public debate on this matter, pending the completion of the inquiry."


The board said the university's own structures, and university legislation provided the means for dealing with the allegations. "We, as a committed group of UCC friends and supporters, ask all parties to use these procedures alone to resolve the issues and allegations that are in question."

Members of the board include former attorney general Dermot Gleeson; former president of the European Parliament Pat Cox, and group chief executive of the Glen Dimplex Group Seán O'Driscoll. The board is a voluntary group, appointed by Prof Wrixon last year, which advises on strategic issues. Members expressed concern about the negative press coverage and "the consequent damage which is being done to the university's reputation. Reputations are hard earned but easily damaged."

Board members said UCC "has been and is a well managed university. It has been very successful in attracting outstanding teaching and research staff and in obtaining record levels of research funding.

"In an Irish context, the research performance of UCC is outstanding. In recent years the university has experienced increased demand for its courses. All of this has been achieved through academic excellence and strong, visionary and prudent management of the university's affairs."

Addressing the controversial reform process at UCC, the board said: "Change can be an uncomfortable experience for some but this change is essential and needs to be encouraged and embraced, not prevented, if the best of the past is to be preserved and real progress made in the future."

Other members of the board include Michael O'Flynn, managing director of O'Flynn Construction; Tony Barry, former chief executive of CRH; Tom Kavanagh, deputy chairman of the UCC governing body; Brian McCarthy, chairman of Fexco, and Eoin O'Driscoll, managing director of Aderra and a former senior vice-president with Lucent Technologies.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times