BBC, Guardian dominate online journalism awards

Eight of the 21 prizes at this year’s European Online Journalism awards have gone to journalists from BBC News Online and Guardian…

Eight of the 21 prizes at this year’s European Online Journalism awards have gone to journalists from BBC News Online and Guardian Unlimited.

The BBC won prizes for best news story broken on the net, bestgeneral news presentation, best science reporting and best businessreporting.

Guardian Unlimited took the honours in the best news story, bestinvestigative reporting, best use of mobile connectivity and travelreporting categories.

Online journalist of the year went to Dave Green, editor of the UK'swebzine.'s deputy sports editor, Noel O'Reilly, wasrunner-up.


Best overall journalism service went to Oslopuls, the online listingsmagazine of Aftenpost, the leading Norwegian daily., the Irish technology website, won the prize forthe best use of multimedia.

The outstanding contribution to online journalism award went toTransitions Online, the Prague-based online news service for Easternand Central Europe.

This is the third year of the European Online Journalism awards.Organisers say the aim of the awards "is to contribute to thecreation and dissemination of models of excellence and best practicein doing journalism on the Web".

The competition was judged by online journalists from leadingEuropean media houses.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times