Aquatic Centre builders 'denied access'

The company that built the National Aquatic Centre says it was refused access to the site last night for the second time in four…

The company that built the National Aquatic Centre says it was refused access to the site last night for the second time in four days.

Representatives of construction group Rohcon had planned to investigate reports that water has been leaking from cracks in the centre's swimming pools.

The company said last week it was refused access when it took a senior team along with architects S&P and the engineering firm URS to the building at Abbotstown, west Dublin.

When they returned to the centre last night they were again turned away by the operating company, Dublin Waterworld, a Rohcon spokesman said.


He said Dublin Waterworld had been advised of the visit in advance by the owner of the centre, State company Campus Stadium Ireland, which had given the required 48 hours' notice. A manager on duty at the centre, however, had said they were to be denied access on legal advice.

Rohcon had planned the visit to investigate technical reports commissioned by Dublin Waterworld, which warned that the swimming pools in the centre could be losing so much water that it would cause the entire building to subside.

Rohcon, which built the €62 million complex two years ago, says it has not been shown the Dublin Waterworld reports.

It claimed last week it was significant that media reports about the alleged leaks emerged at a time when Dublin Waterworld was fighting legal proceedings for "poor maintenance of the building" among other issues.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times