Anti-war group plans protest at Jeb Bush visit

The planned visit of Florida's Governor Jeb Bush to Ireland next month will be greeted by protests, the Irish Anti War Movement…

The planned visit of Florida's Governor Jeb Bush to Ireland next month will be greeted by protests, the Irish Anti War Movement (IAWM) promised today.

The US president's younger brother will be guest of honour at a business lunch by the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland in the Conrad Hotel Dublin later next month.

However, IAWM chairman Richard Boyd Barrett said today: "Jeb Bush is not just the governor of Florida but a prominent neo-con warmonger and architect of the policy that led to the Iraq war.

"He was one of the signatories in September 2000 to the Project for New American Century along with Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle which set out the agenda for using US military might for regime change in the Middle East.


"These people should not be welcomed but treated as the war criminals they are."

The IAWM has called for a protest outside the Conrad on July 21st to coincide with the visit.

The business lunch, sponsored by Meteor, is expected to be well attended.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times