Ahern defends timing of visit to Omagh

The Taoiseach rejected a claim by the Fine Gael leader that his planned visit to Omagh tomorrow was to secure publicity.

The Taoiseach rejected a claim by the Fine Gael leader that his planned visit to Omagh tomorrow was to secure publicity.

Mr Ahern said he regularly visited the North. "I have a number of engagements which have been arranged for some time. I will be in Coleraine University, in Derry, and in Belfast to discuss the Belfast Partnership and other issues.Omagh is one of the engagements I have."

Earlier, Mr Enda Kenny asked: "Why, the day before we debate the Nall report in the Dáil, has the Taoiseach suddenly got a visit arranged to Omagh? Is it just a cynical exercise by the Taoiseach for a photo-opportunity?"

He added that the Taoiseach would have been far better employed staying in Government Buildings and meeting the families of the victims of the Omagh bombing.


Mr Ahern said that over the years he had met many of the people connected with Omagh. "I have been involved in many of their fund-raising efforts and have kept in touch with them."

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times